My Kindle Is Broken Where Do I Send It

I don't sustain the best portio with technology spell travelling.

In the two years I've been on the road, I've managed to house a teentsy colony of ants in my laptop. I poured a margarita over my replacement Macbook Pro when it was just one month old.

I slopped the screen out of my iPhone when I placed it at the bottom of my backpack… and past dropped same backpack. I've unexpectedly thrown my tv camera across a park, smashing the lens.

I think information technology's fair to say I'm more than a little clumsy when it comes to looking after my tech.

Hard every bit it is to believe, the examples mentioned above are not the worst mishaps I've had.

In the space of one year, I have managed to break FIVE Kindles.

Broken Amazon Kindle

I intend Kindles are wonderful for travellers, and it was one of the first items I bought for my trip. I soon cut down gaga with it, and couldn't envisage travelling without one.

Afterwards break my phone, I didn't replace it for the first 18 months of my travels, so the free cell information on my Kindle Keyboard 3G was priceless. Whether it was keeping in touch with friends and family line while I was without Wi-fi, or shipment aweigh Google Maps to find out how to get to my hostel, I couldn't springy without it.

Suppose how disappointed I was, then, when my first Kindle lasted exactly one calendar week.

Kindle 1: Croatia

I had just landed in Dubrovnik and decided to head into the Old Town to explore the ancient city walls. After wandering around in 40-degree heating plant for several hours, I needed a rest. I paused at a close Bench, deciding to sunbathe and read a book for a while, but that soon became unbearable attributable the warmth.

Every bit I stood up to leave, I managed to trip over a rock and roll and went flying into a wall, altogether destroying the screen of my Fire. I was devastated.

I returned to my auberg, called Amazon's customer service of process and was gobsmacked to find out they were prosperous to replace my broken Kindle under warranty for free. It arrived at my parents' sign in the Great Britain within 24 hours. I had 90 years to send back the dead one — and Amazon would even pay for the postage.

Broken Amazon Kindle screen

Kindle 2: China

My endorsement Kindle lasted slightly thirster than the first.

It was two months into my travels and I was queuing to board a plane to Taipeh in Shanghai drome. We'd been waiting in ancestry for over 30 minutes and IT didn't look up to like we would be moving any time shortly, so I decided to entertain myself with a book.

I pulled my Kindle from my bag even as an elderly Taiwanese Lady shoved past me, elbowing IT out of my hand. It flew through the air, smashing the projection screen as IT fell face-down connected the story.

I didn't expect much to come from my second call to Amazon simply was utterly surprised when, yet again, they replaced my Kindle for free, without question.

Fire 3: Philippines

I had my parents commit my third Kindle to a friend in Hong Kong and picked it up the night before my flight to the Philippines. I arrived in Boracay and decided to spend my inaugural day at the beach.

I took my Kindle with me, provision on reading for a couple of hours in the sun. After a few hours, I wandered out into the oceangoing to chill, taking my bag with Pine Tree State to pass wate sure information technology didn't get stolen.

I was regular in knee-high water when an large rogue wave hit, soaking me, my base and, erm, breaking my Kindle within 24 hours of me receiving it.

This was starting to get silly. I loved my Raise and, without a speech sound, it was the only way for me to get online when I didn't ingest get at to wifi.

It was because of this that I forced myself to swallow my pride and shout out Amazon once more. IT was the same story — they replaced my Kindle gratis, sending knocked out a substitution the next day.

Broken Amazon Kindle screen

Kindle 4: Thailand

My close destination was Thailand, where I was rental an apartment in Chiang Mai for 3 months. I was able to get my parents to send out my new Kindle, this time with a protective case to try and prevent it from breaking.

Two months later, I went happening a scooter road trip close to Northern Thailand, cramming my laptop, camera, Conflagrate, and a week's worth of dress into my tiny daypack. The compounding of tight packing and bad roads meant it was only a partner off of days until I took the Evoke out of my bag to find a huge pass across the screen.

By this direct I had no shame. I titled Amazon one time more to explain what had happened. They happily replaced my Kindle once more.

By this point, my parents were understandably fed up with receiving and bill Kindles every few weeks, so I left my modern one at household to take in when I arrived back in England. I still bought a brand new pocket to use just for holding my Kindle. There was no mode I could split up this one!

Inflame 5: Turkey

It lasted just trio months. I was in Turkey when I climbed come out of bed and stepped straight on my Kindle that hadsomehow ended up on the stun. I knew what had happened before I even looked cut down.

I known as Amazon and wasn't surprised when they didn't offer ME a free replacement Kindle. The warranty only lasts a year from my original purchase of the Kindle, and I'd unfortunately passed that mark a a couple of weeks earlier. It wasn't all bad though — they still gave me a $50 deduction on my replacement!

I received my sixth Kindle just three months ago and I'm pleased to say it's still in perfect experimental condition, disdain being used every fewer years. The combination of a sound case and keeping it in a pocket in my bag away from everything else seems to be the winning compounding. I hope.

Broken Amazon Kindle screen

So why does Amazon put back Kindles for unoccupied without question?

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos recently said, "We want to make money when peopleuse our devices, non when peoplebuy our devices". Atomic number 2 and so went on to explain "If someone buys one of our devices and puts it in a desk drawer and never uses information technology, we Don River't deserve to make any money".

It's guiltless that Amazon thinks of the Enkindle non as a profitable device (IT doesn't make any money on the current models,) simply as necessary infrastructure for removed more lucrative electronic content.

Any the reason, the Raise warranty is fantastic for travellers, who tend to use their device in more challenging situations than most. The Kindleisfragile and itdoes easily break. Enlightened Virago bequeath replace information technology for free, no matter how it gets damaged, makes information technology eve more of an invaluable product on the traveling.

Purchase along Amazon

Photos via: Kodomut, Curious_e, isriya, linkartcentre.

Lauren Juliff

Lauren Juliff

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Lauren is a physicist turned whole number nomad who's travelling and working her way around the world happening a permanent fundament. She's the clumsy member of the team up -- if there's a camera to be dropped, a Kindle to be stood on or a laptop to pour a pledge over, she'll be the one to do it.You prat read more about her journey misadventures o'er at Never Ending Footsteps.

My Kindle Is Broken Where Do I Send It


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